Litany of Fortitude
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, Consoler of souls, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
From the fear of people and their opinions, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of rejection and ostracism, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of loneliness and isolation, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of judgment and condemnation, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of pain and failure, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of persecution, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of the Cross, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of suffering, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of rejection, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of disapproval and disappointment, deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of waiting in the unknown and uncertainties, deliver me, O Jesus.
From audacity and ambition, deliver me, O Jesus.
From presumption and inane glory, deliver me, O Jesus.
From smallness of soul and hardness of heart, deliver me, O Jesus.
From stinginess and miserliness, deliver me, O Jesus.
From effeminacy and impertinence, deliver me, O Jesus.
From helplessness and hopelessness, deliver me, O Jesus.
From restlessness and nervousness, deliver me, O Jesus.
From anguish and tension, deliver me, O Jesus.
From dread and desperation, deliver me, O Jesus.
From seclusion and reclusion, deliver me, O Jesus.
From spiritual suffocation and heaviness, deliver me, O Jesus.
From cowardice and apathy, deliver me, O Jesus.
From depression, despondency, doubt, and despair, deliver me, O Jesus.
From shame and a sense of unworthiness, deliver me, O Jesus.
From spiritual shackles and traps, deliver me, O Jesus.
From traumas, troubles, turmoil, and torments, deliver me, O Jesus.
From all inner conflict, deliver me, O Jesus.
From suppression of joy, deliver me, O Jesus.
Jesus, grant me the grace of humility,
that I might seek only to please You in all things.
Jesus, grant me the grace of detachment,
to relinquish control over the outcome of my life.
Jesus, grant me the grace of abandonment,
that I may surrender all of my hopes and fears, wants and needs, life and death to You.
Jesus, grant me the grace of charity and clemency,
to generously love and forgive everyone who has hurt me through betrayal, rejection, or slander.
Jesus, grant me the grace of hope,
that I might not become despondent or discouraged when life doesn’t go as I’d planned but instead wait for your promise and timing.
Jesus, grant me the grace of confidence in You,
to thank You for all you have done, are doing, and will do in my life.
Jesus, grant me the grace of strength and courage,
to face what is arduous and difficult without hesitation.
Jesus, grant me the grace of magnanimity,
to strive for excellence in all things but especially great things.
Jesus, grant me the grace of magnificence,
that I may be generous with my time, talent, and treasure to bring about Your kingdom on earth.
Jesus, grant me the grace of perseverance,
that I may endure hardships and overcome obstacles until I achieve Your will.
Jesus, grant me the grace of patience,
that I may be willing to suffer whatever You permit at the hands of others with peace and kindness to all.
Jesus, grant me the grace of longanimity,
to wait in vigilant anticipation for the fulfillment of the good You are doing in my life.
Jesus, grant me the grace of mortification,
that I may sacrifice all trials and troubles and frequently offer to You what I choose to do without.
Jesus, grant me the grace of true freedom,
that You will release me from the bondage of sin, spiritual sicknesses, and woundedness in Your Most Sacred Heart and by the power of Your Most Precious Blood.
Jesus, grant me the grace of interior peace,
that nothing may disturb me or become too difficult to endure for my sanctification or the salvation of souls.
Jesus, grant me the grace of authentic joy,
to experience the gift of the present moment, to be fully alive, and to spread Christian happiness to all whom I encounter.
Jesus, grant me fortitude,
that all forms of fear and anxiety may be overcome by the cultivation of both the infused gift of Your Holy Spirit and the acquired virtue that leads me through Your refining fire with encouragement and fidelity.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, You created me in Your perfect image; please restore me, mold me, and use me for Your glory and the good of others. Jesus, You who are the utmost example of meekness, strength, and courage, bestow on me the necessary struggles that prune and purify my soul to make me more like unto Yourself. Pour down into my heart Your Holy Spirit, the Giver of all good gifts and graces, the One who breathes life into me when all has been broken or lost.
Most Blessed Trinity, I adore You. I worship You. I thank You.
(c) 2018, Jeannie Ewing, all rights reserved.
Image created in Canva by Jeannie Ewing. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
May Almighty n kind Jesus bless you for the above enlightening prayer.
Thank you, Caroline. Same to you!
Thank you for this prayer! I feel God is inviting me to suffer with him but i am scared to say yes. I hope this prayer gives me courage to take on the suffering for the salvation souls. Thank you.
I have been praying this prayer every day in this most difficult chapter of my life. Thank you – it is a beautiful prayer and such a blessing. I always feel at peace after praying it.
Thank you, need this prayer right now. God bless you.
Glad to hear this, Sally! God bless you, too.
Thank you so much for this prayer…there are also litanies of understanding,piety and other gifts of the Holy spirit???thank u God bless you always.
Thank you for this!