**I wrote this prayer out of a heartfelt desire to overcome the many lies infesting our modern world today. It is my understanding, as of recently, that the spirit of lies and mockery is reigning supreme. Sometimes we believe these lies on a personal level (“I am not worthy” or “I am not good enough”). Sometimes we fall into confusion, not knowing what is true about the Church or our relationships or work. Satan is the Father of Lies, but God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Let us seek Him above all else.**
Prayer to Seek Truth
Lord, help me to seek truth today –
To find it in places and people I wouldn’t otherwise notice.
Teach me that in truth there is wisdom and understanding.
May seeking truth help me overcome my fears and frustrations.
Lord, help me to strive for truth in all that I do today –
That my thoughts, words, and actions may reflect Your goodness.
Show me that only in truth will I be free –
To live honestly and courageously,
To love wholeheartedly and unconditionally.
Lord, help me to cherish truth –
Knowing that You are the author of all that is beautiful, good, and true.
May truth reign in my heart, no matter what I encounter today –
Lies, mockery, confusion, or betrayal.
Your truth gives me clarity and peace.
Lord, You created truth.
You are Truth.
Help me to know truth when I see it;
Learn truth when I am taught it;
Love truth,
Live truth.
Help me to share truth with others today –
Those who are lost and lonely,
The brokenhearted and weary,
Anyone who is suffering from visible or invisible pain.
When I am a son or daughter of truth, I am free to be
Fully alive
Fully myself
And an honest reflection of You.
Truth leads to greater knowledge
And excellence in all virtues.
Truth strengthens me
Guides me
Leads me
Protects me
Keeps me.
I am constant when I dwell in Your truth.
I am unafraid of what I may face.
I am vigilant and poised for speaking
The witness of who You are in truth.
Text (c) Jeannie Ewing 2018, all rights reserved. Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash
Tammy says
Thank you so much for this prayer, I want seek the truth, my best friend she said no longer my friend not to call or texts her, she said I gossip about her, I swears to my God, I didn’t do that. Thank you God bless you. Tammy
Denis. Benson. says
Dear Jeannie thank you so much for your prayer on ‘Truth’. We all need prayer it is vital, a must for to relate to God and indeed our neighbour. Your prayer on truth is a God send, I have no doubt it will be a big help to a lot of people.
Obviously we must also pray the Lord’s Prayer, The Our Father and Our Lady’s Prayer, The Rosary. Prayer brings us so close to the love of God. It reinforces our faith that He is truly always with us, assisting us and guiding us to His heavenly home.
God bless.
e-mail. bensondenis50@yahoo.co.uk
Mary Larkin says
My morning prayer time this morning I was reading all of the readings about TRUTH from the Catechism of the Catholic Church…and it names it, claims it, and tames it!!!
I love Truth!
Tye says
Thank you! I write this comment with tears in my eyes and a very heavy heart. My ex boyfriend accused me of being unfaithful and other things in which myself and God knows is not true. I took a lie detector test to prove my innocence however the results of the test said that I was deceptive. I spent a lot of energy trying to prove the truth and this has taken a toll on me. I’m asking that God reveals my loyalty and truth. 🙏
Candyce says
This prayer is beautiful and full of hope. It reminds us all, even kids, to always look for what is true and honest in our lives. Truth helps us be brave, loving, and kind, just like God wants us to be. Let’s all try to live truthfully every day.